Your First 90 Days: You May Actually Know It All, but Should You Show It?

July 20, 2015 in Career and Job Search Tips, First 90 Days in New Job



You’re smart. Experienced. Full of fresh ideas.

That’s why you got the job!

But to position yourself for long-term success (and not be viewed as a potential threat), make sure you share your expertise and insight the right way.

Today, Kinsa continues our series of posts designed to help individuals like you (i.e., the newly promoted and hired) to “stack the deck in your favor” during your first 90 days on the job.

This month, we’re reviewing how to contribute as a new employee without looking like a “know it all.”

Being a Know It All is Risky

As a new hire, you’ll attract notice. Co-workers and superiors alike will scrutinize your words, actions and even body language, looking for the answer to one simple question:

“Will the ‘new guy’ make it?”

Logically, in an attempt to ingratiate yourself, you’ll want to take on more work (especially the tough jobs nobody else wants to do). You’ll want to chime in with new ideas. You’ll want to make a name for yourself.

But be careful not to go too far. Otherwise, you may come across as management’s new “pet employee” – a whirling dervish who steps on toes in a desperate attempt to garner approval.

And you definitely don’t want that.

Use these tips to prove your work ethic and expertise, without crossing a line:

  • Be inclusive. Whether you’re taking credit for a job well done, or trying to decide whom to include in an email thread, err on the side of caution. Ask for others’ opinions. Share credit. Communicate with co-workers who have a stake in what you’re working on. Make it clear that you’re part of a great team (and not just trying to shine a spotlight on yourself).
  • Find an ally. During your first few weeks on the job, you’re bound to have questions – lots of them. Instead of bombarding (and potentially irritating) your boss, find an ally in your department to help. If possible, choose an employee who plays a pivotal role and is well-respected. Explain your desire to make a good impression, and ask for his help with “learning the ropes” internally.
  • Focus on your core responsibilities. “Reach” projects are important, especially if they drive profits for your food & beverage employer, but be careful not to lose sight of why you were hired. Clarify your core tasks and set short-term goals for mastering fundamental responsibilities.
  • Learn the real score. Like you, most of your co-workers will have higher professional aspirations. After you’ve established rapport, take the time to learn about teammates’ career agendas (i.e., what each is ultimately trying to achieve). Once you know this, you will be able to find ways to support their success – and avoid stepping on toes.

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