
4 Tips to Optimize Your Food and Beverage Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

May 20, 2024 in Career and Job Search Tips, Resume Tips


1. Including Relevant Keywords Keywords play a vital role in optimizing your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems in the realm of food and beverage talent acquisition. These keywords are specific industry-related terms that resonate with hiring managers and recruiters seeking talent in food processing, food production, food marketing, food distribution, food manufacturing, and food brands. […]


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How to Network with Recruiters on LinkedIn

August 28, 2023 in Career and Job Search Tips


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers, especially when it comes to networking with recruiters. Recruiters are always looking for qualified candidates, and LinkedIn is one of the best ways to showcase your skills, experience and achievements. But how do you network with recruiters on LinkedIn effectively? Here are some tips to help you […]


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